The Starting Box

As promised, here's a link to the Eventing Day Starting Box.  Because I wanted everyone to have a voice on Eventing Day I've decided to add a blog just for The Starting Box.  That's the only way I can offer everyone an opportunity to post comments about what they see here on Eventing Day.  The Starting Box is a place for all things eventing from the reader's point of view.

If you have a story or a photo from a competition, or a clinic -- sad, funny, or just have something to say -- whatever just as long as it's eventing we can post it here.  We have two requests: keep it civil and no salty language please.  I had thought to make folks leave their names but since the comments are moderated, anonymity should be okay for now. So follow these guidelines and we don't want to have to edit you.

If you have something to say and would like to have it posted on Eventing Day The Starting Box, send it to nan(at)eventingday(dot)com. Sorry for the cryptic email address but I grow weary of spammers.