28 January 2011

USEF Adopts New Rules and Changes Others

 (For moments such as this, the USEF has adopted new rules, effective immediately. In this case, Rolex Kentucky 2007, Bruce and JAM were fine. But you never know how the weekend is going to end, so let's all make sure we're as safe as we can be. And, they've changed a few other things like Dressage attire, headgear, and the fall rule. ~ ed)

Eventing Rule Changes Effective Immediately
Updated: 2011-01-28
The following Eventing rule changes were approved at the January 23rd USEF Board meeting and are effective immediately:

EV113.2 (NEW) -Effective Immediately

2. In conjunction with GR1317, the following apply in the case of fall/accident (or other injury likely to cause concussion) (as determined by qualified medical personnel):
a. No loss of consciousness and no sign of concussion - No mandatory suspension;
b. No loss of consciousness but with brief symptoms of concussion e.g. confusion, loss of memory, altered mental state (all symptoms ofconcussion must have resolved within 15 minutes both at rest and exercise) - minimum of 7 days mandatory suspension. The day of injury counts as the first day ofsuspension period.
c. Any loss of consciousness, however brief, or symptoms of concussion persisting after 15 minutes - minimum 21 days mandatory suspension. The day of injury counts as the first day of the suspension period.
d. Notwithstanding the above riders who have established a baseline neurocognitive skills level through a Federation approved testing program e.g. IMPACT test may return to competition upon submission to the Federation of certification evidence confirmation that they have passed an exam establishing that they have suffered no impairment ofthat level. In addition they must submit clearance as required under GR1317.6.
e. All other riders may, at the expiration of the mandatory suspension period, return to competition by complying with the requirements of GR1317.5.

EV114.1 Dress -Protective Headgear

a. At all levels of Eventing competition, from beginner novice through advanced, at Federation Endorsed competitions and recognized competitions, riders must wear headgear as follows, except as may otherwise be mandated by local law (see also GR801):
b. Upon arrival, anyone riding a horse must wear properly fitting protective headgear which passes or surpasses ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)/SEI (Safety Equipment Institute) standards for equestrian use and carries the SEI tag. Harness must be secured and properly fitted.
c. It is the responsibility of the rider, or the parent or guardian or trainer of the junior exhibitor to see to it that the headgear worn complies with appropriate safety standards for protective headgear intended for equestrian use, and is properly fitted and in good condition, and the Federation, Show Committee, and Licensed Officials are not responsible for checking headgear worn for such compliance.
d. The Federation makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, about any protective headgear, and cautions riders that death or serious injury may result despite wearing such headgear as all equestrian sports involve inherent dangerous risk and as no helmet can protect against all foreseeable injuries.
e. Violation of this rule at any time, at the discretion of the Ground Jury, shall be penalized and may result in elimination.

EV114.5 Dress--Dressage Test

a. Horse Trials (Beginner Novice through Preliminary protective headgear-predominantly black or dark blue; Coat dark color or tweed, tail coats are not permitted; Shirt-white or light color, with stock and pin, or choker, or tie; Gloves (if worn)-dark color, tan, beige or white; Jodhpurs, Britches-light color or white; Boots-black, brown, field, jodhpur or a black or brown full grain smooth leather leg piece and matching leather boots. Chaps and/or half-chaps are not allowed.
b. Horse Trials (Intermediate and Advanced) & Three Day Events. As above except no tweed coat. Tail Coats permitted. Shirt-stock with pin; Gloves (required)-white or dark color; Britches-as above; Boots-preferably black dress or a black full grain leather leg piece and matching leather boot. Chaps and half-chaps are not allowed. Members of armed and police forces, service dress with gloves, regulation headgear and spurs in accordance with EVI14.)

EV141.1 b. Cross-Country Scoring-First Fall of Competitor

a. Disobediences -
(1) First refusal, run-out or circle - 20 penalties
(2) Second refusal, run-out or circle at the same obstacle - 40 penalties
(3) Third refusal, run-out or circle at the same obstacle - Elimination
(4) Fourth penalized disobedience on the entire course - Elimination
b. Falls-
(1) First fall of competitor - *Elimination (RF)
(2) First fall of horse - Mandatory retirement

*to facilitate accurate administration of EVIOS.3 (Loss of Establishment) Competitor Falls will be denoted as "RF" on official score sheets and results.

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