17 February 2011

Voltaire Design Becomes Sponsor of the PRO Tour Rider Leader Board

Vero Beach, FL - February 16, 2011 - The Professional Riders Organization is pleased to announce that Voltaire Design, whose innovative products are synonymous with unparalleled quality and outstanding customer service, will sponsor the 2011 PRO Tour Rider Leader Board rankings.

"The idea behind our company is to enable horses and riders to reach their full potential and to improve their performance," said Brice Goguet, founder and president of Voltaire Design. "It seemed logical to partner with the PRO Tour Rider Leader board as it rewards outstanding performance. Also, I am a true believer in PRO's endeavors because the riders are personally committed and I wanted to support their PRO Tour."

Voltaire follows in a long tradition of French saddle making and is also the first environmentally friendly saddler. Voltaire's 2011 collection includes several models of saddles, accessories and boots using the finest materials with the added twist of French fashion design.

"We are delighted to welcome Voltaire Design as a PRO Tour partner," said Executive Director Samantha Lendl. "Voltaire Design is a new company committed to boosting performance through quality design. We are excited to pair up with a company whose fresh ideas and innovations in saddle design and boot making are an excellent fit with PRO."

For more information on the Professional Riders Organization,
please visit www.professionalriders.org

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