Okay, we're ready to go. The publicly announced list of five potential US Chef d'Equipe applications has been finalized. These five applications will move forward to the Active Athletes Committee for the next phase of the selection process. It probably won't hurt one applicants position in the stack that that the WEG Silver Medal winning Canadian Eventing team was chosen Canadian Equestrian Athlete(s) of the Year. But that's in Canada... The cards are on the table, at least for our purposes so here is the latest (and hopefully final) survey for the position. Thanks for taking the time to vote (again for some of you and I thank you for your patience and willingness to vote again.) The survey is the same as last time, with the addition of Leslie Law.
I think we'll announce the vote after Wednesday, midnight. (Thursday morning if I don't have my usual case of insomnia) so check back then for the thoroughly unscientific results probably boasting a thoroughly astronomical margin of error!
NOTE: It has been graciously drawn to my attention that I have misspelled chef (chief) on the survey title. Please forgive my misspelling ... I actually did manage to correct this without dumping the data. I guess I've just typed the title once too often in these past weeks. (Thank you Janie!)
Let's let the eventing world know what we think! MAKE SURE YOU CLICK DONE WHEN YOU'RE FINISHED SO YOUR VOTE WILL BE COUNTED!
The survey is closed -- thanks to all who participated!
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